•The Neighborhood Luminarias will be assembled December 23rd, from 4:30pm to 6pm at 2212 Ridgeview Way.
Volunteers are needed for the assembly and distribution on December 24th (10am to 11am).
Please email the board if you are interested in helping out.
•Update flyers are moving to electronic delivery beginning March 1st, please go to the website listed below and click Sign up for email updates.
•Longmont eyes water rate hikes of up to 59% – see article in the Boulder weekly.
If you want to email city council about this email Joan.Peck@longmontcolorado.gov or Marcia.Martin@longmontcolorado.gov or call Marcia Martin at 303-774-3617.
•The Board is looking for volunteers to fill the secretary and treasurer positions.
If you are interested, please email board@creeksideneighborhood.com.
The Board wishes you and yours a happy and safe holiday season!
The Creekside website is creeksideneighborhood.com.