Creekside HOA Update
April 2024
- Dan Mispagel has volunteered and been appointed as a director of the Creekside HOA. There are now five directors. We are still in need of a secretary if you are interested in volunteering. The board is also looking for volunteers for the Design Review Committee.
- The board is looking for your feedback and/or volunteers to review the governing documents. If you are interested, please contact the board.
- The annual block party is being planned; we will provide a date at a later time.
- If you are interested in further HOA education, please visit this website,
- The major source of communication is the website.
- As we approach spring, if you are making any changes to your house or landscaping, instructions and forms for how to submit a project for approval can be found on the website on the Design Requirements page. Any questions should be emailed to
Please trim all landscaping off the sidewalks.
The Creekside website is: