Creekside HOA,
Today I have formally resigned as a director and as the President of the Creekside HOA. Since I joined the team with former HOA secretary Renee Hartsook, VP Bob Krull, Kevin O’Brien, and Lynn Haila, we have made enormous strides to modernize the HOA. Our progress has been impressive considering that we all have families and jobs. Examples of our progress include our new electronic archived historical records such as architectural approvals, enforcement records, and a formal accounting of our HOA finances. We have properly created a reserve account and an operational account. We have revamped the website (with the hundreds of volunteer hours by the former secretary Hartsook and her husband) so members and the community can access information in a simpler manner. We have increased the information and transparency considerably by providing frequent fliers and monthly email blog posts. Through work started before me, but brought to completion last year, we consolidated the various covenants into one document. Although we were only half successful in getting all the members to approve the new consolidated covenants, there may be an opportunity in the future to make small updates to last year’s newly consolidated covenants and with new leadership get it to pass unanimously so we can all live under one covenant for Creekside HOA. Through the hard work of Mr. Kevin O’Brien and Bob Krull, they have started the laborious task of modernizing and updating the architectural design guidelines and laying out plans to update various areas of the HOA that are showing their age. My hope is that we get helpful and focused homeowners to step up and help continue what we’ve started. It is a thankless job, but one that if done in a unified and cooperative manner, will result in a very nice and pleasant neighborhood for all our homeowners and visitors.
For those that supported me and my family, I sincerely thank you!
Matt Menza