After a cold snowy winter and Spring returns to the Front Range bringing us warmer weather, it also brings the growing season with pollen and those pesky weeds we see popping up everywhere. Spring is also Mother Nature’s call to us to begin “Spring Cleaning” around our homes. This is the time of year to begin any exterior maintenance items to home, lawn and gardens. If you are considering landscape modifications that will be removing turf, there are guidelines provided on the Association website for Xeriscape within Creekside. Please remember that trash carts should be stored out of sight from anywhere along the street except on pickup days and trailers, boats, RVs are permitted for a limited time (72 hours) on the premises for loading and unloading (No time limit if parked in the garage).
As a reminder, your Association also requires homeowners to submit a project form (Project Submission Form) and receive approvals prior to initiating any modifications to the exterior of your home or lot. Project Submission Forms are available on the Creekside webpage under the “Design Requirements” tab along with frequent updates and other important information regarding your Association.
The purpose of covenants and enforcement by your Association is to ensure neighborhood standards are maintained by everyone in order that Creekside remains a preferred neighborhood in Longmont and protects your investment. Please use the email address should you have any questions prior to submiting a project form.
Thank you!